Four tips to help you rank organically in search results - directly from Google.

Breaking down what Google looks for when choosing their search results.

Do you want to be one of the results that show up when your customer does a Google search?

OK, that's a trick question; of course you do, we all do.

We all dream of ranking on Google. Unfortunately, it's a lot harder than it sounds because understanding WTF Google is looking for can be baffling.

But we've just got a little insider intel from Google themselves!

Google recently shared an update on their "How Search Works" website (you can check it out here), and while this website is designed for Google users, it explains how search works and gives us awesome tips straight from the horse's mouth.

So I've extracted the key elements Google's flagged, so you can use them to help boost your organic ranking.

If you want to rank organically on search then care about the keywords

If you want to rank organically on search then care about the keywords


The most basic signal that information is relevant for Google is when content contains the same keywords as the search query.

If keywords from your customer's search appear on your page, or if they appear in the headings or body of the text, Google will consider the information more relevant and are more likely to show your content.

Though please take this as an invitation to stuff your page full of keywords. The keywords must appear contextually within great content.


Every time you search, there are thousands, sometimes millions, of web pages or other content that might be a match. Google uses its robust systems to find and present the most helpful information in response to each search query.

For your website to stand out amongst the thousands or millions of other web pages, you must have quality, reliable and relevant content that helps your customer with their search query.

Content is vital.


Whenever someone shares a link to your web page, that's referred to as a backlink.

One of several factors that Google uses to help determine the quality of your content, your expertise and your site's credibility is through the backlinks to your site. If other prominent websites link or refer to your content, Google sees this as a good sign that your information is well trusted.

To get more backlinks create content that’s so good people want to share it and promote that content everywhere you can.


Your website usability is vital to your seo success

Your website usability is vital to your seo success

Google cares about the quality of the experience after the click. If their user doesn't have a good experience after clicking the link that Google has suggested, then Google loses the trust they've built.

When all things are relatively equal, content that is accessible and easy to consume may perform better. Some of the ways Google determines if your web page delivers a good user experience include:

  • is your page mobile-friendly

  • does your content load quickly

  • is your content easy to read and navigate

  • is your content good enough to keep people on your site, or are they bouncing right off (fast bounce rate is bad)

If you keep these four things top of mind as you create the content for your website, you'll stand in good stead and set yourself up to be one of the sites Google serves up as the answer to your customer's search queries.

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