This technique will change the way you set goals, forever

If you’re tired of making new year’s resolutions only to break them days later, this is for you…

How to set New Year Resolutions that work

How to set New Year Resolutions that work

If you're still struggling to work out those bloody new year’s resolutions, let me assure you - you're not alone. Only 50% of people make new year resolutions and less than 10% keep them for more than a few months.

Clearly, most of us struggle to create new year’s resolutions, and nearly all of us struggle to see them through. So you can let go of the new year’s resolution guilt you're carrying and use that energy to create meaningful goals that will inspire you. Goals that will fuel you and help you live the big, bold, happy and successful life you're supposed to be living.

And I've got a killer technique to help you. This powerful little technique is not only fun; it but it will help you get crystal clear about what you really want, what matters to you and what is possible for you.

The good news is this goal-setting technique isn't limited to the start of a new year; you can do this any time of year. The moment you're ready to transform your life - and make the next 12-months of your life count - is the moment you should do this.

So grab a pen and paper, settle into your favourite quiet corner, pour yourself a glass of celery juice (or grape juice - wink wink) and let's create goals you'll get excited about.

First, we need to set the scene...

Imagine it's a year from now. You're at your favourite coffee shop, sharing a delicious sweet treat and enriching conversation with your best friend. You've been talking about work and family, and right on queue your friend turns to you and asks "So, tell me, how's your year been?"

You pause to consider the question and can't hold back the giant smile as you reply "It's been the best year of my life!"


Now, tell me - if you just lived the best year of your life:

What would that look like?

What made the year so memorable for you?

See yourself living a typical day in the best year of your life. What are you doing? Where are you? Who are you with?

How do you feel as you’re living your best year? Joy? Peace? Confidence? Freedom?

Get granular. Picture the big moments and the precious small moments in detail - often it's the small things that have the biggest impact on your life.

Did you get that promotion? Did you not get the promotion (because you don't really want it)? Did you find love? Did you go to yoga three times a week? Did you finally hire that housekeeper so you can take that writing classes instead of cleaning the house? Did you get rid of that toxic person in your life? Did you fit into your skinny jeans?


Grab your pen and paper and write everything down; everything that happened in the best year of your life. Write with abandon. Without limitation. Don't judge anything, just write it down. Let yourself feel the incredible emotions that bubble to the surface as you imagine what the next 12 months could look like.

Once you have it all written down, step back, take a breath, and look at everything you've imagined.

This is your goal.

There is a secret to setting success goals that last

There is a secret to setting success goals that last


(Thanks Walt)

The only thing stopping you from making your next 12 months extraordinary is your belief that you can.

Imagine what you'd attempt to do if you genuinely believed you could live the best year of your life so far?

You'd try great things.

You'd push yourself outside your comfort zone.

You'd fight for this vision.

And even if you don't end up achieving everything on your list, I can promise you - what you do achieve will be remarkable.

So what have you got to lose.? If 2020 taught us anything, it taught us our lives are short, precious, and anything is possible.

There's never been a better time to recreate yourself and your life.

No more bullshit excuses.

This is a powerful goal-setting exercise, and I sincerely hope you try it. You'll be surprised by the deep-routed desires that emerge and what is possible if you dare to dream it then go for it.

How to live the life of your dreams and set goals that you achieve

How to live the life of your dreams and set goals that you achieve

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