How to become a more creative person.
The four simple practices (or tricks) to help you be more creative and become the “ideas person”.
Do you want to be known as a creative person? Do you wish you had the confidence and inspiration to bring endless creative ideas to the table? If your answer is YES, then this week's Wisdom Wednesday is for you.
Today I'm sharing with you four tactics (or tricks) that will give you endless creative idea inspiration in your professional life or personal life.
Like most people, I've found myself lost for words and lacking creative genius when I needed it—struggling to come up with just one good idea. That was until I started practising these four exercises.
Here the four tactics that will help you be more creative:
1) Look to the leaders in your industry or passion
Let's get one thing straight. There's no such thing as an original idea, and today you can quickly discover the good ideas that have worked for the leaders in your industry thanks to our content-rich, information-led world. The best-of-the-best in any field are falling over themselves to be interviewed on the top podcasts, blogs, YouTube channels, and traditional media. And luckily for you, it's not enough to give an entertaining interview anymore; audiences expect to hear about the "secret" to their success. This means you can hunt down interviews from successful people and learn about what they did. Then adapt their ideas into your business or purpose.
Trust me, the people you're learning from did the same thing. They learned from the leaders before them, and those leaders learned from the leaders for them.
So follow in their footsteps.
2) Walk in the footsteps of the person you're trying to influence
Speaking of footsteps, you'll be amazed at the new perspective and amazing ideas that will come to you when you get off your arse and take the time to walk in somebody else's shoes. Or, more specifically, in the footsteps of the person you want to influence.
If you're running a business, this means walking into your stores and buy something as if you're the customer. Go through the digital path to purchases as a buyer.
When you step away from behind your desk and take the time to experience the world from the perspective of your customer/audience, you'll see things in a new light, and a flood of ideas will come to you left, right and centre.
Extra tip here, look for the obvious or overlooked ideas. They end up being the most powerful.
3) Read beyond your genre
This is a lesson I learned from an incredible book called Mastery by Robert Greene. He talks about the importance of reading books and consuming media that isn't in your field of interest or specialty.
Some of the most impactful marketing ideas I've had have been born from books I read on philosophy and personal development.
So if you were trying to learn the guitar, for example, you need to read books about architecture, take an art class, watch a biography movie about a rock band. You need to experience different types of art if you want to be a better artist.
4) Go for a walk
This is the simplest, yet probably the fastest way to come up with new ideas.
Stand up and go for a walk.
Even if it's just for 10 minutes.
You know how they say the best ideas happen in the show; this is the same concept. When you get up and move your body, take the time to step away from what you're focusing on, that's when the magic happens.
The process of moving and shifting focus inspires a level of creative thinking that doesn't happen at your desk or in a boardroom.
Your mind needs fresh air and room the breathe.
I hope you'll try these four ideas. I assure you they work.
x Lee