Why website design matters.

An awesome infographic gives you the 6 reasons why website design is important.

We constantly hear website design is important, and as marketers, we innate know web design matters, but it can be hard to articulate why in a succinct way. Until now.

The team at Red Website Design has summarised the 6 key reasons why website design matters for us:

  1. It sets a good first impression. Your customer will make a decision about your business in seconds based on your website design.

  2. It helps your search engine optimisation (SEO) strategy because search engines like Google care about user experience.

  3. It sets the impression for customer service and demonstrates how much you value your them.

  4. It builds trust with your audience.

  5. Your competitors are investing in good websites and it’s vital you don’t just meet them at their level but raise the bar even further.

  6. It creates consistency and affirms your professionalism.

Here’s the infographic for your viewing pleasure. Thank you Red Website Design.

Why website design is important. Great infographic that gives you the 6 reasons to care about your website look and feel.

Why website design is important. Great infographic that gives you the 6 reasons to care about your website look and feel.


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